♦ Industry Relations AMEIL is a proud member of the EnergyNL and follows its daily bulletins and procurement opportunities.
♦ COR/PRIME certified AMEIL’s OHS Program is audited by NLCSA and registered in compliance with Workplace NL’s COR and PRIME programs.
♦ CoA NQP 0306 AMEIL’s Quality Control Manual for Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Pressure Piping Systems is audited by NL Government’s Service NL.
♦ ASME AMEIL maintains qualifications in ASME codes B31.1, B31.3, and ASME Sections II, VIII, and IX.
♦ CSA AMEIL maintains qualifications in CSA standards W47.1 and W59.
♦ CWB AMEIL’s welding and fabrication equipment, procedures, and welder qualifications are audited and certified to CSA standards. |
♦ Insurance CROSBIE-JOB handles all AMEIL’s business insurance and project completion and performance bonds
♦ Financials JONAS Project Management handles all AMEIL’s business and project financial controls, including PO, Peceiveables, Purchasing, KPI and Payroll. |
♦ Documents and Records AMEIL uses Microsoft Office to generate all business and project documentation; native formats are converted to .pdf for storage and dissemination. |
♦ Labour Relations AMEIL has labour contracts with all building trades through the CLRA, including boilermakers, insulators, electricians and carpenters. |
♦ Labour Relations AMEIL has a separate agreement with USW for work at NTL-IMTT.
![]() ♦ Document Control AMEIL uses its own Digital Document Management System based on the Microsoft Sharepoint platform which is in the Microsoft One Drive cloud space. |