Jonas offers a fully integrated solution with tailored solutions to fit contract needs.
- There are 19 Accounting and 23 Construction modules. Every phase of the Jonas software operation is fully integrated, allowing you to handle business information once.
- This adds efficiency and accuracy and decreases redundant effort between financials, costing, billing, payroll, purchasing, and inventory applications.
Jonas Document Management System
- The Jonas software Document Management system fully integrates the entire Jonas solution and allows electronic the capture, file, organize, retrieve, share, manage and generally control all documents generated from your Jonas software system and third party applications.
- The Document Management system streamlines day-to-day operations and lowers administrative costs by eliminating the time spent on manually copying, routing, filing and searching for paper documents. It also mitigates the risk associated with not finding the critical documents you need to support issues like change orders, work site delays and supplier disputes.